22 May 2010

On having too many commitments

For someone with a fairly strong lazy streak, I tend to pack a lot into my life.

This morning, for instance, I'm forcing myself to do some more editing on my manuscript in between coffee and breakfast, but there are a lot of other competing requirements.

My dog, Jedi, is bouncing around the house turning himself inside out with the sheer effort of letting me know just how important is it that he goes for a walk as soon as possible.

I should probably unstack the dishwasher before the dirty dishes start breeding and taking over the kitchen bench.

I should probably take some time to relax with my husband, George, after a long week of work.

I need to keep up with my exercise, because as much as it's a pain in the proverbial to do it, I always feel better afterwards.

We have very little fresh food left in the house, so we'll need to buy some fruit and veg sometime if we want to avoid scurvy.

I need to bring some firewood in so we can actually have fires at night without risking pulling out spider-infested logs in the dark.

At some stage I want to pull the bed out and vacuum underneath it, since there's six years' worth of dust and animal hair built up. (But actually, I'm kind of scared of what I might find under there)

I want to actually do something with the garden while the weather is still good and before the winter weeds take over.

And all this time, the clock is ticking down to 12.30 when I have to go and ride my horse, which again I always enjoy. But I'll get home as the sun's going down and I'll be cold and tired and then I'll have to get in the shower and get ready to go out for dinner with friends. Which I don't begrudge, but suddenly the weekend is looking horribly short.

Is it any wonder I find it so difficult to get any editing/writing done? At the least, I have moved past a block I was having with my plot and am once again progressing, however slowly that might be.

Through all this, my cat is sitting next to me, purring away, with nothing more on his agenda for the day but sleep, sleep and more sleep.

So which of us is really the intelligent species here?

1 comment:

  1. I know you wrote this a while back, but I just found it after typing in "Too many commitments" into google. Ha. I'm sure you can guess what is on my mind. Finding balance when we expect so much of ourselves is a difficult thing. I am currently trying to cope with my desire to stay home and do nothing as opposed to doing the activities that I committed myself to at the beginning of the new year. I'm not sure if I am resigning myself to failure or if I'm just taking a need rest. I think I should go easy on myself. Thanks for writing this post. I might just take a nap with my cat now.
